From the Caribe to San Jose to Monteverde. From Tortuguero to San Jose is 1 1/2 hour boat, 1 1/2 van on dirt road and 2 more hours to San Jose.

this crazy hotel in San Jose is a conglomeration of old houses connected by a maze of walks

Then into the mountains with the cloud forest in the distance.

Then to a 'farm to table' restaurant.

Unfortunately, I think they poisoned me with their ceviche.

and yesterday and today I am sick as a dog, can't even keep down water. Almost a month in Central America with no stomach problems. Oh well, getting better.
Do they have PediaLite? Or a version?
Thinking about you. Take care.
I got very sick in Chile from delicious raw oysters. Samantha Brown just did northern Costa Rica. You can find it on She also did Traverse City.